At School Fun Run, they are looking forward to a time when Covid-19 is a distant memory and normality is resumed in schools, families and communities. They want to let you know they are still available to help you bring back smiles and help you create magical memories during this tough time.
Fundraising Idea: all-inclusive fun-run events, incentive prizes, online fundraising and personalised support
Suitable for: schools across Australia
Profit: 60% of all money collected goes directly to the school, 30% of the money goes towards incentive prizes for students
Although this article is sponsored by one of my advertisers, I think they are a great product that I am proud to be sharing with my readers.
Lindfield Public recently held a School Fun Run (see video here). The school held a student-only event, meaning no public were on school grounds. The kids raised over $91,850 through the School Fun Run online fundraising system… which meant they did all of that without leaving the safety of their home or having to worry about counting coins.
Most importantly, this day gave the students and teachers an escape from the constant stress of Covid-19 as they shared a playful day together. School Fun Run wants to bring the same happiness and positivity to other schools in term 3 or 4.
With the capacity to accommodate social distancing laws, no budget needed, no financial risk and the ability to postpone your event at any time, School Fun Run can help you finish the year in style. Call them on 1800 FUN RUN to plan Term 3 or 4 events today!
On average, their TOP 100 Schools raise over $32,000 per School Fun-Run while the TOP 10 average over $63,000 per event.
The highest fundraising government school has been Avalon Public School with $90,043 in their first ever Fun-Run, while to date the highest fundraising private school is St Patrick’s College, who raised$91,743 (with just 360 kids).
Reconnect your community with School Fun Run’s BIG SHOW with Chase the Cheetah (the new mascot) and three jaw-dropping 6-metre-high cheetah–themed inflatables which students run through. These events are limited to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Gold Coast schools. Read more about the exciting new Big Show here.
Not in those areas or don’t like Cheetahs? Boost your school spirit with School Fun Run’s CRAZY COLOUR DAY!
The Fundraising Group is the multiple award-winning company behind School Fun Run, a family-owned business who has been working in the area for more than 30 years. Their mission is to deliver easy, inspiring and profitable fundraising events to schools across the country. Request an information kit today to learn more.