Give each child $1 and ask them to approach their families and neighbours to sell them something for that amount. (The $1 can come from an advance from the P&C or a sponsor can donate the money.) The children must then bring their goods to school and sell them either at a lunchtime bazaar for students or a weekend white elephant stall (for market value).
This seemingly simple idea has added benefits as it not only involves each of the students, but it also draws in the wider community as well. As children purchase their goods for $1, they can also hand out flyers advertising the sale. Tie the fundraiser into another school event, such as a movie night, end of year concert or school busy bee.
A version of the dollar drive for older kids is to front them a larger sum of money, which they must use to purchase the materials to make a new product or service, which they can then sell. For example, a $20 advance could purchase soil pellets, seeds, empty egg carton and fancy paper for wrapping, to make 20 or more ‘DIY herb gardens’ that could then be sold for $5 each – a profit of 500%.