This comprehensive guide to cooking for babies and toddlers covers many questions new parents have about what is the best way to feed their children. While this is definitely a niche product with a definite audience, it has a high profit per unit and would be easy to sell in the right arena.
Although this post was sponsored by one of my advertisers, all opinions are my own, and I think it is a great product I want to share with FRM readers.
Fundraising ideas: A handy and comprehensive guide to cooking for babies and toddlers
Suitable for: Playgroups, kindergartens or any group willing to set up a stall at a community fete or kids/babies market
Profit: 46% to 53% depending on sale price (plus postage) see special Fundraising Mums offer below
The product
‘Home-cooked food for babies and toddlers: a simple guide’ is a handy, pocket-sized recipe booked written by Brisbane mother Sandra Beynon.
Recipes however, only make up about half the book – the real value is in a range of essential topics that most new parents have asked about at some stage: when to introduce certain foods, safe reheating and thawing, portioning and storage, helpful products, hidden salts and sugars, foods for when you are out and about, and even how to deal with allergies and constipation.
The book is spiral bound and conveniently sized.
The Fundraising Process
Decide how many books you want to sell (minimum order 20 units) and email Sandra at making mention of your particular charity or community group.
A tax invoice for the books and postage will be sent to you for payment via either Paypal or Direct Debit.
The books will be posted to you, and you can sell them, keeping all the money.
Cost and Profit
Fundraisers can purchase the book for $7.95 each. You then have the choice of selling at RRP ($14.95) or you can offer a discount and sell at $12.95.
Profit per book is $5 to $7 depending on the price point you choose (up to $140 per carton).
Special offer for Fundraising Mums readers only
If you mention Fundraising Mums in your initial email, you will be able to purchase the books at the discounted price of $6.95 each, increasing your profit to $6 to $8 per book (or up to $160 for each carton of 20 books).
Worth mentioning
Admittedly by the time most children are at school there is a reduced market for baby-related products. However, this would be an easy product to sell to the target audience – pregnant women and first time parents.
Consider setting up a stall at a local community market, farmers market or babies market. For example, the Kidspot Baby and Kids Markets run throughout the year across the country and the cost of a stall is only $49-$75 depending on where it is.
You could also do a targeted campaign towards local playgroups or child health centres.
When making sales you can focus on the fact that the information is simple and easy to read, and importantly, it will help new parents build confidence in cooking for their children.
For more information
head to the Good for Kidz website.
*Disclosure: Fundraising Mums were sent a sample copy of the book for the purpose of this article.